Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Dementia Is Not A Disease But Rather A Group Of Symptoms...

Dementia is not a disease but rather a group of symptoms caused by disorders that affect the brain (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, n. d). The hallmark of dementia, memory impairment, is accompanied by deficits in language, motor function, recognition, or executive function (Stahl, 2013). The most common forms of dementia are caused by Alzheimer’s disease (AD), vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (Prince et al., 2013). The risk of dementia increases with age. Dementia is rare below the age of sixty but affects about 17% of those between 80 and 85 years of age, 33% of those between 85 and 90 years old, and 50% of those over 90 years of age (Tom et al., 2015). As the†¦show more content†¦The client scored 18 out of 30 on the Mini-Mental State Exam which suggests moderate dementia. The client displayed tangential speech, restricted affect, disorientation to time and event, and impaired impulse contr ol during the clinical interview. The diagnosis is major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease (presumptive). Treatment Plan Decision One In decision point one, the choices provided are to initiate (a) rivastigmine 1.5 mg orally twice daily with an increase to 3 mg orally twice daily in two weeks, (b) donepezil 5 mg orally at bedtime, or (c) galantamine 4 mg orally twice daily. All of the medications are cholinesterase inhibitors and are considered first-line pharmacotherapy for AD (Yiannopoulou Papageorgiou, 2012). In randomized controlled trials, rivastigmine, donepezil, and galantamine showed no significant difference in efficacy (Yiannopoulou Papageorgiou, 2012). Donepezil was selected. Once-daily dosing has been shown to have better adherence than twice daily (Ryan et al., 2014). Galantamine and rivastigmine have a higher incidence of gastrointestinal adverse effects than donepezil (Noetzli Eap, 2013; Yiannopoulou Papageorgiou, 2012). The medication, donepezil, was chosen to reduce the client’s behavioral symptoms and slow the progression of neurodegeneration. The client returned to the clinic in four weeks accompanied by his son. The client’s son reports no improvement in theShow MoreRelatedDementia Is The Only Cause Death That Does Not Have A Cure972 Words   |  4 PagesDementia is the only cause of death that does not have a cure and cannot be prevented. It is the loss of mental functions such as thinking, memory, and reasoning that is severe enough to interfere with a person s daily functioning. Dementia is not the name of a specific disease itself, but rather a group of symptoms that are caused by various diseases or conditions. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mcdonalds Marketing Communication Strategy Assignment free essay sample

With television we can bring the associations of the season with our product, which is valuable. We do not use television for direct-response purposes, but want to let the customer know about our product and make them curious. The next time they step into a McDonald’s branch they are aware and curious of the existing of the product and that will result in a higher chance that the customer purchase the ‘Vla’. Furthermore we choose in store marketing because it’s a very effective and cheap way to let McDonald consumers purchase the ‘Vla’. We use it to reinforces the television commercial, because customers already notice the existence of the product, maybe are already benevolent to try the new product. If they see the product on billboards in the store and thereafter are asked proactively to them if they want to try the new product the chance that they will purchase the product will increases substantially. We will write a custom essay sample on Mcdonalds Marketing Communication Strategy Assignment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Now we can speak of a integrated marketing communication mix for our product. Summarize the main features of all the companys products. State what other products your company produces, and describe briefly where the new product fits into your existing product line. To start with, the products of McDonalds are fast food products which have consistent quality, are easy deliverable and consistent across all markets in their taste and their range of products. McDonalds have a broad scale of products. The main food product is the hamburger. They serve it in different variants. Fish burgers, chicken nuggets, salads and fries complement the main products. You can pick menus of these products, which comes with drinks or milkshakes. The Happy meal is worth mentioning, which is the popular menu for the kids. Relatively new for McDonalds are the breakfast products. Then you have the Dessert products, where our product fits perfectly into. If you look at the temporary Desserts of McDonalds we differentiate the McFlurry, Apple pie, Donut, Sundea Ice cream, Chocolate Muffin, Softice and Fresh Fruit. We think our product ‘Vla’ will perfectly fits into the range of Dessert products McDonalds is serving at the moment. It a totally other product then the contemporary Dessert McDonalds serve. But more important: it’s already a popular, traditional Dutch, dessert and serving it in the McDonalds will be valued by the customers in different moods. Like customers who eating a menu and love to finish with the ‘Vla’, customers just walking by and order a ‘Vla’ for on the way and also not to forget: the kids will love the (smaller sized) Vla in their Happy Meal. It’s a healthier alternative then the other contemporary products except the fresh fruit. So parents are also more likable to choose this dessert for their children instead of the other more fat making desserts. SWOT Analyses: Strengths What do you do well? Holiday season associations Bringing a typical Dutch dessert Good quality/price ratio Good products in the McDonald’s strategy of serve worldwide similar products with in addition serve in every country local products that are influenced by the local kitchen. Our product is the local product influenced by the local culture. Weaknesses What are you not so good at? Where might you need to improve? Only holiday season (for the test phase, if it will succeed we will bring more s easonal Vla’s) High cost of marketing with our form of marketing communication, the television commercials. Will we generate enough revenues from the dessert? If we don’t capture the market, we will fail in advance Opportunities Whats coming that might be an opportunity? The timing of our product, in the season of ‘Sinterklaas’ and Chrismas. To convince tourists that they must try the traditional product ‘Vla’ as their Dessert. Make our product ‘the’ traditional product of McDonald’s, which will be a classical McDonald Dessert in the next decennia. Threats Whats coming that might cause you problems? Cannibalize the present Desserts of McDonalds that are available in the Netherlands. Bring a product that is similar with products in supermarkets (Albert Heijn, Dirk van den Broek, C1000 etc).

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Doctrine of God the Father free essay sample

The Doctrine of God the father The essay will focus upon the first person of the trinity, God the Father. There is a presupposition that God is knowable, yet not discoverable by human reason. God is known only by divine revelation and, although the works of creation and Providence reveal the existence of God, the ultimate source of divine revelation is the Word of God. God is best known in Jesus Christ as John 14. 19 which states that he who has seen me has seen the Father that is reveal through the gospels. God has revealed Himself as existing in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.God’s revelation of Himself, however, is in no way essential to the accomplishment of His works. According to Warfield (2003) he said that, the elements of the plan of salvation are rooted in the mysterious nature of the Godhead, in which there coexists a trinity distinction of persons with absolute unity of essence; and the revelation of the Trinity was accordingly incidental to the execution of this plan of salvation, in which the Father sent the Son to be the propitiation for sin, and the Son, when He returned to the glory which He had with the Father be fore the world was, sent the Spirit to apply His redemption to men. We will write a custom essay sample on The Doctrine of God the Father or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Using the Word of God as our instructor we will study the doctrine of God the Father under two headings: The Person of God the Father that is the nature of His divine essence and The Work of God the Father that is His operation as He carries out His eternal purpose. Statement on the Trinity from the Second London Confession of 1689 (Chapter 2, article 3) states that, in this divine and infinite Being there are three subsistence, the Father, the Word (or Son), and the Holy Spirit, of one substance, power, and eternity, each having the whole divine essence, yet the essence undivided in which the Father is of none, neither begotten or proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father, the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son; all infinite, without beginning, therefore but one God, who is not to be divided in nature and being.But distinguished by several peculiar, relative properties and personal relations; which doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation of our entire communion with God, and comfortable dependence on him. The Person and Work of the First Person of the Trinity is pretty much incomprehensible as human language cannot describe it and is limited (Bavinck: 1997). The Person of God the Father is that God is One in Thre e and that is why Christianity is monotheistic.The book of Deuteronomy (6:4) states that â€Å"Hear, O Lord: the Lord our God is one Lord†, which clearly signifies that there is only one God who is, who was and who is to come that every Christians believed in Him. According to 1 Corinthian 8:6, it stated that there is but one God the Father of whom are all things, and we in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. This portrays that we have only one God through him all things were made. The bible testifies that in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God itself (John 1:1). Romans 3. 30 talks about only one God and there is no other gods. Above all God is supreme. This one God exists as a plurality of personhood – the father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each of them have a distinct personality from one another and capable of individual action. For example, God the father sent the Son, the Holy Spirit is sent by the Father and the Son, the Son is loved by the Father and the Father loves the Son. Many theories attempting to explain God, and the many arguments for and against his existence, show that human wisdom cannot penetrate the divine power of God (Charnock:1979). God bears all of the qualities of personality that is he is intelligent, rational, moral being in which he is a reasonable being capable of determining his own course of life. Each of the three persons of God is of the same essence and his not inferior to the others in essence. Those attributes that apply to God also apply to each of the persons of the Godhead, which means that they are co eternal and co – equal.