Monday, May 25, 2020

The Dynamic Programming Model - 797 Words

The dynamic programming model was then translated into a simulation user interface, which can be controlled by individual agents, the dynamic climate change simulator with stochastic and irreversible climate change (DCCS-SICC). It was built on the DCCS climate change simulation of Dutt and Gonzalez (2012) and was based on previous work by Gonzalez and Dutt (2011) and Moxnes and Saysel (2009). The user interface presents a single state variable (CO2 concentration in the atmosphere), two sliders for controlling the levels of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel and from deforestation, and a graph depicting the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere over time. This simple climate change model was calibrated between years 2000 and 2100 with projections given by two different and extreme emission scenarios from the 2001 IPCC report. Furthermore, the Integrated Science Assessment Model (ISAM) was employed to predict CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere under two emission scenarios. The model cali bration parameters are derived from Dutt and Gonzalez (2012). The participants’ aim is to maintain the CO2 concentration within the range of 923-953 GtC, which appear on the screen. Participants are asked to achieve the minimum value of the range at the shortest time possible and maintain the CO2 concentration level within the range for the longest time possible. The model was calibrated using two emission scenarios: the â€Å"optimistic† and â€Å"pessimistic† scenario based on the 2001 IPCC reportShow MoreRelatedDynamic Programming Model1014 Words   |  5 Pagessubject. The dynamic programming model shows similar properties as AI. The dynamic programming model chooses an optimal action path from one state to another state to reach its objective. In our case, states can be students quiz score, actions are which modules to choose, and the objective will be to enhance students learning. 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