Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Effects Of Television On Our Life - 994 Words

Everything has positive and negative outlooks. Televisions don’t have to be a negative thing. Some believe that watching television is negative and cannot be influencing to others, but some may seem to believe that you can learn a few thing from watching TV. But watching television can perhaps have a positive impact in your life. Television can enhance the different ways you tend to see things, it can be an informative way of learning, and can also be a soul searching moment of inspiration. Watching TV can be a positive act in your day-to-day life. You may believe that TV cannot be a positive act in your in life, but when watching certain television shows you learn different life lessons. Shows like the educational channels, history channels, and other related channels are great shows to watch. It helps you build up you social and learning skills, and can make you look at things as well as life a little differently now that you have watched it from a different aspect. You can learn a lot from watching these particular kinds of shows, because when you see how it is being done and how others do it on the television, its gives you that mind set that you want to go out and experience it a different way, instead of the way you usually have done it. For example, I knew somebody who talked about having a child at a young age. We were at her house one day and we were watching this television show called â€Å"16 and pregnant†, which is mainly about teens who get pregna nt at a youngShow MoreRelatedTelevision Is Destroying Todays Youth, but Dont Blame T.V., Blame the Parents.1302 Words   |  6 PagesEver since television was invented, it has become increasingly controversial every year since. So many programs and movies shown on television have become increasingly violent and show sexual innuendos and sexual content. 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